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On the train
Stand clear of the doors; keep hands and fingers clear of the gap between the train and the doors
  Stand clear of the doors; keep hands and fingers clear of the gap between the train and the doors

Ensure that your body, handbag, backpack or other personal belongings do not block the doors as they are closing

Move into the centre of the train compartment

Always hold onto the handrail or strap hanger

Do not lean against the grab poles

Offer your seat to anyone in need
  Offer your seat to anyone in need

Do not sit on the train floor

Place baggage in designated areas; do not leave it where it might cause an obstruction

Wheelchair users should secure their wheelchair in the multi-purpose space

Pay attention to on-board announcements and the electronic display messages

Only operate the Emergency Call handle or Call button in an emergency. If you feel unwell, ask station staff for assistance at the next station
  If you feel unwell, ask station staff for assistance at the next station


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