Building Energy Codes
About 90% of total electricity consumption in Hong Kong is contributed by buildings. Through enhancement of building energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions can be effectively reduced. In October 1998, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department has launched the voluntary Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings to promote the application of Building Energy Code. To further promote building energy efficiency, the Government enacted the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance (the Ordinance) which is to come into full operation from 21 September 2012 onward.
Soft Reminder:
Registration under the voluntary scheme is not regarded as having complied with the Ordinance.

For more information about the Ordinance, including the link to the full text of the Ordinance, publicity publications, the electronic version of the two Codes of Practice, the relevant forms, enquiry channels, and so on, please visit the relevant webpage of the Ordinance.