Energy Saving Tips For Home
This booklet^ aims to provide tips for saving energy at home.
Some simple energy saving tips at home:
- Use appliances of high energy efficiency, such as products with "Grade 1" energy label.
- Set and maintain air-conditioned room temperature between 24oC and 26oC or above in summer.
- Use lamps with high energy efficiency, such as Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps or integrated type compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs).
- Use appliances with timer control or automatic power-off function. Do not leave them in standby mode for a long period of time.
- Switch off appliances that are not in use or after use.
- Use appliances of appropriate capacity and features best suited to homes.
- Maintain appliances regularly before or after use for optimal energy efficiency.
- Minimize hot water usage for bathing and cleaning purpose as far as possible.
- Use the web based energy calculator to estimate the annual electricity consumption of appliances under the Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme.
^ This booklet can be downloaded from this link: