Clerical assistant Vivian Lui looks forward to many more happy years at the new headquarters.

Vivian Lui, a clerical assistant with the Departmental Administration Division, joined EMSD in 1998 and is full of fond memories of Caroline Hill. She happily recalls the circumstances under which she joined EMSD. Vivian was working at a nursery school when a visit by EMSD engineers prompted her and her colleagues to praise their work in a commendation letter that was published in GroupVoice, the Department's staff newsletter. Later, when Vivian's application to be a clerical assistant in the government was accepted, she was thrilled to be assigned to work at EMSD! "There is perhaps some pre-destined connection between me and this Department," she concludes.

Reporting for duty at Caroline Hill on her first day, she remembers being confused about where to go. Help was not far off - the EMSD security officers at the main gate promptly directed her to the right place and she has been a happy employee ever since. Living in Tin Shui Wai, Vivian finds that it actually takes less time to commute to the new headquarters. "This is a new beginning for us all. I am looking forward to many more happy years here", she says.

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