Biomedical electronics engineer Raymond Poon says EMSD is very lucky to be able to do so much exploratory, cutting-edge work in a government building.

For Raymond Poon, biomedical electronics engineer with EMSD's Health Sector Division, there is tangible excitement surrounding the sense of a new beginning that the headquarters building represents. "There is so much going on here: new technology, energy saving systems, solar panels on the rooftop. We are just very lucky to be able to do so much exploratory, cutting-edge work in a government building," he says.

What about his memories of Caroline Hill? His first trip there was to attend a job interview which unforgettably concluded with a lively debate that was part of the group interviewing process. He got the job, and his first day at work was spent on the fourth floor of the Training Block. "I thought I was going to work in a modern office. The place felt old and a bit dated. Not exactly what I'd expected." During his subsequent 12 years at EMSD, Raymond has worked tirelessly to promote the development of biomedical engineering in Hong Kong. This effort was one of the reasons he was awarded the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers' Best Young Engineer Award in 2004, becoming the first government engineer to be so honoured.

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