- Turn on equipment/system based on operational hours of buildings.
- Adopt natural or mechanical ventilation for areas not require A/C.
- Keep unnecessarily opened door/window closed.
- Relocate where possible seats under direct sunlight that require strong AC for thermal comfort.
- Dress lightly to minimize use of AC in summer.
- Avoid pre-cooling. Switch on centralized AC system not more than 30 minutes in advance in the morning. For units serving smaller areas, such as room coolers, you should switch them on only when you arrive in the facility/room.
- Turn off some or all AC 15 minutes before leaving the facility/room.
- For premises where the AC systems are provided with heaters, avoid operating the heaters when the outdoor air temperature is above 20oC.
- Set and maintain air-conditioned room temperature between 24℃ and 26℃ in summer.
- Set room cooler or packaged air conditioner at "low cool". Where possible, use fan to improve air flow in order to achieve thermal comfort.
- Clean AC and dust filter regularly.
- Establish a maintenance programme to ensure AC is operating efficiently.
- Keep windows and doors closed to minimize air infiltration when AC is running.
- Raise evaporating temperature for chiller outside peak season/peak hour.
- Use ventilation or fans where possible, especially during cool seasons.
- Report and request maintenance staff to check and adjust the system if cold spots are located.
- Check frequently all ductwork and equipment to identify any leaks, especially around joints, coils, casings, access openings and dampers in their closed positions. Rectify the leaking gasket/sealant where necessary
- Check regularly all automatic temperature controls to ensure that they are operating properly