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Congratulatory Messages from the Gas Safety Advisory Committee
    Ir Dr the Honourable Raymond Ho Chung-tai, SBS,

Member of the Legislative Council
(Engineering Functional Constituency)
Hong Kong Deputy to the 11th National People’s Congress
of the People’s Republic of China

In the past three decades, gas safety standards in Hong Kong have been greatly improved. This is an impressive accomplishment which has much to do with the continuing efforts of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). The Department is responsible for the enforcement of gas safety practices and its safe utilization.

Gas safety is a major public issue in Hong Kong with 2.3 million gas customers in the domestic, commercial and industrial sectors. Apart from towngas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) being the two main types of fuel gas widely used throughout Hong Kong, the utilization of gas has also extended to other areas over the years. LPG is used as fuel for LPG taxis and light buses while natural gas is used for generating electricity.

I am always proud of my association with the Gas Safety Advisory Committee as its member from 1997 to 2005. During the period, I worked closely with the EMSD on gas safety issues.

I wish the EMSD continued success in its future endeavours.

    Ir James Kwan, JP
Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited

The past three decades have seen remarkable progress in the enhancement of gas safety in Hong Kong as a result of the vision and efforts of the Gas Standards Office.

Towngas, as the premier gas supplier in Hong Kong, has always had a high culture of safety awareness, and was therefore very pleased when the Gas Standards Office implemented the Gas Safety Ordinance in 1991, formally establishing a regulatory framework for the gas industry. This legislation enforces safe working practices and utilization and has ensured gas safety becomes the bedrock of both the Gas Standards Office and related industries’ operations. Towngas also works closely with the Gas Standards Office in introducing LPG vehicles safely to Hong Kong. This has an important environmental implication, as LPG vehicles significantly reduce air pollution. The Gas Standards Office also prepares and approves codes of practice for gas installations and appliances, a crucial part of their remit to further enhance the community’s safety. Towngas will continue to work in close partnership with the Gas Standards Office, both actively supporting Government gas safety initiatives and symposiums on safety and energy efficiency.

I congratulate the Gas Standards Office on many years of excellence in enhancing gas safety in Hong Kong and send Towngas’ good wishes for the future.

    Dr Albert H N Ma, JP
Chairman and General Manager
Hong Kong L.P. Gas (Holdings) Ltd

Triggered by housing policy developments in the 1970s, demand for piped LPG and towngas has steadily increased and gas has become one of our key domestic fuels.

Throughout the years, EMSD and the trade have worked closely to implement a series of safety legislation and regulations and drive various gas safety campaigns. These have raised significantly the public’s knowledge of gas safety, with excellent results.

I wish EMSD further success in its future work.

    Ms Peggy Wu
Lead Controls Advisor
Asia Pacific Retail Support
ExxonMobil Hong Kong Ltd

The serious gas-related accidents that happened in the winter of 1979 heightened Hong Kong’s awareness of gas safety, especially those who used LPG water heaters. With full support of the industry, the Gas Standards Office was then formed. Codes of practice were also developed providing clear regulations and safety guidelines to the industry. The oil companies and their network of distributors and dealers agreed voluntarily to cooperate and support the Government. The rest was history.

With continuous improvement in safety over the years, these codes of practice have provided an effective platform for enhancing professional and safe handling of LPG. After three decades of evolvement, I am glad that all stakeholders involved in the process have all contributed in making Hong Kong one of the top cities in gas safety.

    Mr Kong Lai
President, Senior Engineer (Prof)
The Union Gas Appliances (Holdings) Limited

For years the Gas Standards Office has worked to raise Hong Kong’s gas safety standards, with enormous contribution to society. It has been my pleasure to participate in and witness many codes of practice and laws come into being, from drafting, consultation to enactment. I also witness the effort of all related officers whose achievement is immense. The GU mark, for example, has become a mark of confidence for the public when purchasing gas appliances.

The gas safety laws and codes of practice benefit not only the Hong Kong community but also bring positive impact on the Mainland’s gas industry regulation development. I wish that the gas industry will continue to enhance safety, quality and its services to the public, and the GasSO will continue to lead the gas industry to further success.