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Leading Role in Gas Safety

Hong Kong is a world leader in gas safety, with one of the lowest gas related fatality numbers per million capita in the world. The number of fatalities and serious gas incidents here has declined steadily in recent years.

Through the Gas Standards Office (GasSO), Hong Kong also actively promotes regional exchange to ensure that all gas appliances used here, including imported ones, comply with international standards. We work closely with our mainland and overseas counterparts to develop gas appliance certification and help ensure compliance. Our partners include:



China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ)

EMSD has entered a second four-year cooperation arrangement with AQSIQ, in effect from 2007 to 2011. The scope of the arrangement is extensive, covering E&M and gas safety as well as energy efficiency. AQSIQ provided the GasSO with valuable advice and assistance during preparations for the “GU Mark“, and offered ongoing support for cross-border notification mechanisms and training.



China Gas Association

As a member of the Association, EMSD sought technical advice and support during preparations for the “GU Mark“ approval scheme launched in 2002. The working relationship thereby established has continued, with regular communications. It now covers such areas as the mutual notification of sub-standard gas appliances and the exchange of personnel for training purposes.



Western Pacific Gas Appliance Certification Meeting

To promote the development of the gas appliance certification industry, this regular forum encourages mutual exchange and cooperation among gas appliance manufacturers, certification and approval organisations, and regulatory bodies from participating members, such as China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Australia and Singapore. As an active member of the forum, EMSD has offered advice relating to applicable standards and product surveillance.



Safety Performance Benchmarking

Hong Kong’s gas safety performance is on par with other leading places. Most notable are our very low fatality and gas leakage incident numbers, while the number of serious incidents is also among the lowest.


Fatalities per million capita

Data not available at time of publication.


* Serious Gas Incidents per million capita


Serious gas incidents are those involving injuries or fatalities. Hong Kong has adopted a stringent approach which counts all injuries with or without hospitalisation.

Data not available at time of publication.


Gas Leakage Rate per km pipeline

Data not available at time of publication.