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Regulatory Framework

A Three-Pronged Approach:
Working with Stakeholders to Enhance Gas Safety

The gas safety regulatory framework centres on the Gas Safety Ordinance and a joint effort by all stakeholders to abide by the law. Working with a wide range of stakeholders, we strive to facilitate compliance with the law, to ensure effective enforcement, and to prosecute where necessary.


As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Hence we attach great importance to promoting safety awareness among the trade and the public.

The gas trade is kept informed of the latest news, codes of practice and guidelines via seminars, briefings, leaflets and publications, including our regular Gas Safety Bulletin newsletter.

Announcements of public interest on TV and radio widely disseminate gas safety tips and information, while members of the public can also easily access the latest gas safety news on the EMSD website. Special events such as carnivals, community fun fairs and competitions, as well as talks for housing estates and management companies, are held periodically, sometimes in collaboration with the trade and utilities.


Enforcement of the Gas Safety Ordinance and the related regulations entails the systematic audit inspection of gas installations and facilities; effective registration of the trade, including gas supply companies, gas contractors and installers; and the thorough investigation of incidents. We have adopted a risk-based approach in order to focus our resources on inspecting aging or higher-risk systems for better prevention of incidents.


Our general approach is to educate our stakeholders and help them comply with the law, but we are prepared to prosecute where necessary. In the case of non-compliance, improvement notices and warnings may be issued. If the party concerned still fails to rectify the non-compliance, prosecution is used as a last resort.