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Milestones for Gas Safety
Origins and Groundwork : 1979 – 1988
1979 A death inquiry into a gas incident that occurred in 1979 recommended that the Government appoint Hong Kong's first Gas Safety Advisor
1980 Study of town gas and LPG operations and safety standards commissioned

Piped gas policy introduced by the Executive Council

Gas Advisor’s Office established, later becoming the Gas Standards Office (GasSO)

1985 The Gas Industry Training Centre of the Vocational Training Council (VTC) began training gas installers on gas installation work
1988 “Risk Assessment of Tsing Yi LPG Terminals“ consultancy study commissioned
Legislation and Regulatory Framework : 1989 – 1998

Gas Safety Ordinance enacted

Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services appointed as the Gas Authority


Gas Safety Ordinance came into effect

Registration of gas supply companies, gas contractors and gas installers

Mandatory approval of flexible gas tubing introduced


Conveyance of LPG together with other goods such as kerosene prohibited

Gas suppliers began regular safety inspection of all domestic gas customers

1996 Gas Safety Ordinance amended to include provision for examining gas holders

Gas Safety Ordinance amended to protect underground gas pipes

Gas Safety (Gas Supply) Regulations amended to require installation owners to arrange regular inspections

1998 “Quantitative Risk Assessment of Gas Vehicles and Associated Infrastructures in Hong Kong” study commissioned to facilitate the introduction of LPG taxis into Hong Kong
Enhancement and Innovation : 1999 – 2009

The first batch of dedicated LPG filling stations commissioned to support the LPG taxi scheme

The Automobile Industry Training Centre under VTC began training mechanics to service LPG vehicle fuel systems

Gas Safety (Miscellaneous) Regulations amended to ban the sale of flueless gas water heaters

2001 Feasibility study commissioned on the introduction of LPG light vans and light goods vehicles into Hong Kong

Gas Safety Ordinance amended to introduce the GU Mark to help the public and trade readily identify approved domestic gas appliances

Most taxis have switched to LPG, while the number of LPG light buses also began to increase

2004 Memorandum of Understanding signed with the mainland’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on cross-border cooperation on gas and other safety issues


New pricing mechanism for dedicated LPG filling stations introduced

Integrated Gas Safety Enforcement System adopted to modernise GasSO operations


The number of LPG filling stations reached 58

Feasibility study on the introduction of Natural Gas / Liquefied Petroleum Gas buses and heavy duty vehicles into Hong Kong commissioned

2009 GasSO operations achieved ISO 9001 certification