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Gas Safety Statistics

Reportable Gas Incidents per million capita

The incident numbers during 2004-2008 have fluctuated but recently steadied at about 50 incidents per million capita a year. Our target is to bring the number further down as much as possible.


Reportable Gas Incidents by Type

Whilst Hong Kong achieved 7 per cent reduction in the number of reportable gas incidents in 2008 compared to 2007, there was also a significant 17 per cent reduction in gas pipes related incidents during the same period, due to concerted efforts with the gas supply companies to step up inspections and our intensive safety education.


Third Party Damage of Underground Gas Pipes

Incidents of third party damage to underground gas pipes has continued to fall in recent years, as a result of amendments to the Gas Safety Ordinance, effective inspection and trade education.


Disciplianry Action Taken Against Registered Gas Contractors or Registered Gas Installers


Number of Prosecutions


Prosecutions by Type

Cases related to LPG cylinder wagon operation, as well as over storage of LPG cylinders, are the key types of prosecutions in 2008, followed by those related to damage of underground gas mains and supplying LPG to illegal installations. The analysis helps us prioritise our compliance education work for the trade