About Us
EMSD of the HKSARG of the PRC
EMSD of the HKSARG of the PRC has two functional arms - Regulatory Services and Trading Services - to provide E&M services for enhancing the safety and quality of life of Hong Kong.
Regulatory Services
Our Regulatory Services arm operates a number of divisions each specialising in different areas of mechanical safety, gas safety, electrical safety, railway safety, energy efficiency and utilities monitoring. We enforce key legislation including:
- Electricity Ordinance
- Mass Transit Railway Ordinance
- Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance
- Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Products) Ordinance
- District Cooling Services Ordinance
- Gas Safety Ordinance
- Lifts and Escalators Ordinance
- Aerial Ropeways (Safety) Ordinance
- Amusement Rides (Safety) Ordinance
- Builders' Lifts and Tower Working Platforms (Safety) Ordinance
and their various subsidiary legislation. We monitor the power and gas utility companies, regulate trades such as electrical, gas, lift and escalator contractors and trade practitioners, and advise the Government on nuclear safety matters. Our Energy Efficiency Office spearheads a wide range of energy efficiency programmes such as the energy labelling scheme for appliances and equipment. The team also conducts energy efficiency publicity programmes, and supports the Government on its diverse energy conservation initiatives and studies. With delegated powers under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance and in collaboration with the Water Supplies Department, we regulate the fresh-water cooling towers, thus reducing potential hazards relating to Legionnaires′ disease. Working with the Government, legislators, trade and industry, and the public, our long-term goal is to enhance the safety and quality of life of Hong Kong.
Trading Services
The Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF) was established in 1996. It provides a wide range of E&M engineering services to over 80 government departments / bureaux and public bodies in Hong Kong through five Strategic Business Units (SBUs) as follows:
- Boundary Crossing Facilities and Transport Services Division
- General Engineering Services Division
- Health Sector Division
- Municipal Sector Division
- Security and Vehicle Services Division
Each SBU caters for the needs of a specific group of government departments and public sector bodies. The EMSTF provides a wide range of E&M engineering services pertaining to airport services, schools, environmental hygiene, government buildings and facilities, hospitals and clinics, leisure and cultural venues, ports and harbour, postal services, project management and consultancy. The EMSTF operates under international certification systems of ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001 and ISO27001 to provide quality services to her customers while sustaining green operation and maintaining occupational health and safe working environment. "Creating public value for community betterment through partnership with our clients" is the Corporate Goal of the EMSTF.