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Approved Training Courses for Locating Underground Electricity Cables

Approved Training Courses for Locating Underground Electricity Cables (Existing Course)

Course TitleName & Address of Organizer
Part-time Course in Detection of Underground Electricity Cables / Gas Pipes (DEG)

Hong Kong Institute of Construction, Construction Industry Council

38/F COS Centre, 56 Tsun Yip St, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, HK.
Enquiry: 2100 9000
Training Course for Locating Underground Electricity Cables

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Haking Wong),
Vocational Training Council

702 Lai Chi Kok Road, Kowloon
Enquiry: 2435 9423 / 9081 5283 (WhatsApp)
Location of Underground Electricity Cable Training Course

Industrial Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hung Hom, Kowloon
Enquiry: 2766 7710

Approved Training Courses for Locating Underground Electricity Cables (Former Course)

Course TitleName & Address of Organizer
Part-time Course in Detection of Underground Electricity Cables/ Gas Pipes

Construction Industry Council Training Academy

(formerly known as Construction Industry Training Authority)