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Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings

(Note: Registration under this voluntary scheme is not regarded as having complied with the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance. Please click here for the details of the Ordinance.)

Since enactment of Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance (BEEO) all prescribed buildings governed by the BEEO have already fulfilled the minimum energy efficiency requirements under the Building Energy Codes (BEC). To encourage building owners achieving better energy performance beyond the statutory requirements, the voluntary Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings (EERSB) serves to recognize building outperform the statutory requirements under the BEEO.

With effective from 1 January 2018, all types of new and existing buildings/ premises (not limited to prescribed buildings) achieved energy performance outperform the minimum statutory requirements under the BEEO, with obtaining certificates of good building energy performance through the BEAM Plus Assessment System managed by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC); or other internationally recognized building environmental assessment systems, can apply for joining the EERSB. Capital expenditure incurred on the construction of energy efficient building installations (include Lighting, Air Conditioning, Electrical and Lift and Escalator Installations) registered under EERSB may be eligible for accelerated tax deduction. (Please visit Inland Revenue Department's webpage for details.)


  1. As mentioned in the 2018-19 Budget, the Government will further enhance tax concessions for capital expenditure incurred by enterprises in procuring eligible energy efficient building installations and renewable energy devices by allowing tax deduction to be claimed in full in one year instead of the current time frame of five years. (Details can be referred to press release issued by the Government of HKSAR dated 1 March 2018.)
  2. The new assessments tools managed by the HKGBC - BEAM Plus New Data Center and BEAM Plus Existing Data Center have been launched on 9 September 2021. (Please visit HKGBC's webpage for details.)

Register of Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings (2018)

Please click here to search for records of EERSB (2018).

Requirements for application

Following are some highlights of the basic requirements for obtaining the certificate of EERSB. Details please refer to the Scheme brochure of the EERSB [PDF format (1.51MB)].

  1. Overall final assessment rating at the "Bronze" level or above under the BEAM Plus Assessment System ("BEAM Plus") for buildings or interiors as promulgated by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), or
  2. Individual aspect scoring (final assessment stage) at the "Bronze/Satisfactory" level or above under Energy Use (EU) category in any BEAM Plus Assessment System for buildings or interiors as promulgated by the HKGBC, or
  3. The minimum award grading (or above) in other internationally recognized building environmental assessment system for buildings or interiors. Applicant shall provide necessary supporting documents for justifying the compliance with the energy efficiency performance under this Scheme.

How to apply

For more detail of the reviewed EERSB (2018 Edition), please download the Scheme document at Publications webpage.

Application form for the EERSB can be downloaded here [PDF format (91KB)].

Application can also be submitted through EMSD (Regulatory Services) Web-Based Registration Services (WBRS) with iAM Smart Login.
(Click here to apply and select form "HKEERSB" under Online Electronics Submission.)


Address: Energy Efficiency Office, 7/F, EMSD Headquarters, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon
Tel.: (852) 1823
Fax: (852) 2890 6081

Useful links

Hong Kong Green Building Council

Inland Revenue Department


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