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Fresh Water Cooling Towers (FWCT) Scheme

How to Apply


Under the FWCT Scheme, owners of existing or new non-domestic buildings and other buildings where fresh water for evaporative cooling is supplied for non-domestic usage either in the designated areas or in the non-designated areas should submit an application to the Water Supplies Department (WSD) for approval of using water from the waterworks for cooling under the Waterworks Ordinance, Cap 102 and Waterworks Regulations, Cap 102A.

The application requirements are revised after a recent review completed in October 2023. The revised requirements within the administration of the Scheme has been implemented with effect from 21 May 2024. 

The detailed FWCT Scheme requirements and application procedures are detailed in the FWCT Scheme Brochure and Process Chart for Application of Fresh Water Cooling Towers Scheme [PDF format (95KB)]. Please click here to download the related FWCT Scheme publications.

Application Procedures

  1. Planning Stage

    To join the FWCT Scheme, an applicant should first check whether the premises are located witin the designated area and submit a Form EMSD EE CT1A to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) for preliminary assessment (in duplicate with one copy to Buildings Department). EMSD will then vet and support the preliminary cooling towers installation proposal when the cooling towers installation satisfies with the requirements stipulated in the FWCT Scheme Brochure and Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers with a copy to the WSD for their processing. The applicant should also submit the plumbing proposal and the Form WWO542 to the Water Authority (WA).

    For buildings in non-designated area, applicant should submit a Form EMSD EE CT1A to the EMSD who subsequently consult the Water Services Department (WSD) on the adequacy of fresh water supply.

  2. Commencement of Works

    Before cooling tower works are commenced on site, the applicant should submit a Notice of Commencement of Cooling Tower Installation Work (Form EMSD EE CT1B) with installation details using Form EMSD EE CT4 to the EMSD for approval. After receiving acceptance of plumbing proposal from the WA, applicant should submit Form WWO46 (Part I and II) to the WA for approval for the plumbing works to be commenced for cooling towers installation.

  3. Completion of Installations

    Upon completion of the installation, the owners of cooling towers should submit:

    1. Form EMSD EE CT2B together with Form EMSD EE CT3 for certifying completion of the installation in whole and undertaking for the provision of operational information and to any changes of the installation as required under the Scheme or
    2. Form EMSD EE CT2A (for phased completion of installation) together with Form EMSD EE CT3 for reporting phased completion of the installation and applying for metered water supply on concessionary basis and period as well as undertaking for the remaining responsibilities thereof to EMSD for registration.

    The Applicant / licensed plumber should also apply to WSD for inspection or process for connection of water supply to the cooling towers installation.

    The Applicant should also submit plans on the construction of supporting framework to Buildings Department for approval if such a framework is required in the installation of cooling towers.

    The owners of cooling towers will be granted an approval to use water from waterworks for the cooling towers only after registration is completed by EMSD and satisfactory inspection by the WSD.

  4. Operation and Maintenance

    After the approved installation is commissioned, the owner of cooling towers should keep operation records for the cooling towers using Form EMSD EE CT3 on monthly basis and submit annual audit report to EMSD each year. Besides, the owners should notify EMSD, as soon as there are any changes of installation details, using Form EMSD EE CT1B / Form EMSD EE CT4. When transfer of installation ownership occurs, existing and new owners of the approved cooling towers should complete a notification Form EMSD EE CT5 and submit it to the EMSD for updating the records.



The Applicant should submit the Form(s) in either printed copy or electronic copy to EMSD for vetting and registration.

Submission by post, or electronic submission in CD-ROM or DVD-ROM formats, should be addressed to the Energy Efficiency Office of EMSD at:

By post

Energy Efficiency Office, 7/F, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Headquarters,
3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong

By email

Electronic submission should be e-mailed to
Section 11(2) of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance specifies the manner and format for the submission of electronic information under law, please visit Explanatory Note for Layman for further details.

Online Application

Online application for FWCT Scheme is available through "EMSD (Regulatory Services) Web Based Registration Services" and "iAM Smart +".

Standard Application Forms

Updated application forms of the FWCT Scheme can be downloaded below:

Form No.Usage[PDF format][DOC format]
(Rev. 09/2024)
EMSD EE CT1A Application for Participation (Preliminary Assessment) ( 167 KB ) ( 121 KB )
EMSD EE CT1B Notice of Commencement of Cooling Tower Installation Work ( 106 KB ) ( 84 KB )
EMSD EE CT2A Notification of Phased Completion of Cooling Tower Installation ( 100 KB ) ( 72 KB )
EMSD EE CT2B Notification of Completion of Cooling Tower Installation ( 102 KB ) ( 51 KB )
EMSD EE CT3 Summary of Operational Information for Cooling Tower Installation
(Records kept by Owners of Cooling Towers)
( 159 KB ) ( 96 KB )
(Rev. 05/2022)
Summary of Operational Information for Cooling Tower Installation
(Records kept by Owners of Cooling Towers)

(for in-progress applications under the 2016 Edition of the Scheme only)
( 188 KB )  ( 93 KB )
EMSD EE CT4 Cooling Tower Installation Details ( 130 KB ) ( 107 KB )
EMSD EE CT5 Notification of Change of Ownership for Cooling Tower Installation ( 95 KB ) ( 69 KB )


Any enquiries on the FWCT Scheme should be made to EMSD on 3912 0642 during office hours.


Frequently Asked Questions


Is it mandatory to join the Fresh Water Cooling Towers (FWCT) Scheme?

The FWCT Scheme is a voluntary scheme that ensures the design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of cooling towers meet the requirements of the Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers. Despite the voluntary basis, joining the scheme facilitates owners of cooling towers to seek permission from the Water Authority for water supply to the cooling towers, which is a statutory requirement.


What are the obligations of owners of cooling towers for joining the FWCT Scheme?

Owners of cooling towers should ensure proper operation and maintenance (O&M) of their cooling towers and keep proper record using Form EMSD EE CT3. They should also submit an annual audit report to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) every year.


What should I do if the ownership of the cooling towers is changed?

For transfer of ownership of an approved cooling tower installation, both the existing and new owners of the installation should complete the notification (Form EMSD EE CT5) and submit it to the EMSD for updating of records.


Can I apply to join the FWCT Scheme if my building is located outside the designated area?

Applications for joining the FWCT Scheme from buildings not within the designated areas are also welcome and will be considered on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Water Supplies Department (WSD) on the adequacy of fresh water supply.


Which form(s) should I submit if I would like to replace my existing cooling towers?

Form EMSD EE CT1B and Form EMSD EE CT4 should be submitted to the EMSD for approval prior to commencement of works which involve replacement of an existing cooling tower at the same location.
Form EMSD EE CT1A should be submitted to the EMSD for approval before commencement of works which involve the following major alterations:
  1. change in the number of cooling towers;
  2. change in the location of a cooling tower; or
  3. factors which affect the separation between buildings' public accessible areas, openings / louvres and cooling tower intakes / exhausts.


When should I submit the annual audit report for cooling towers?

A signed formal annual audit report should be submitted to the owner of the cooling towers and the EMSD every year. The auditor should state the auditing period in the report and submit it to the EMSD within three months after the auditing period. A Sample Independent Audit Report for Cooling Tower System is appended in Appendix 2F of the Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers – Part 2: Operation and Maintenance for reference.


What is the qualification of the auditor who prepares the annual audit report?

The auditor should be independent and competent, have relevant experience on the O&M of cooling tower systems, and possess either one of the following qualifications:
  1. Registered Professional Engineer in Building Services or Mechanical discipline; or
  2. Higher Certificate or above in Building Services Engineering or Mechanical Engineering or Air-conditioning System Engineering, plus at least five years of experience on the O&M of cooling tower systems.


What should I do if I cannot reuse all the bleed-off water for flushing?

In such locations as data centres, the flushing demand is usually too little to reuse all the bleed-off water. In this case, applicants should apply for a discharge licence from the Environmental Protection Department. They may refer to Section 11 of the Fresh Water Cooling Towers Scheme Brochure for more details.


What should I do if my cooling towers are not registered under the FWCT Scheme?

Applicants should apply to join the FWCT Scheme and carry out the necessary remedial works in order to fulfil the requirements as stipulated in the Code of Practice for Fresh Water Cooling Towers and other relevant statutory requirements. Applicants should consider adopting other energy-efficient cooling systems if they cannot meet the above requirements.


Do I need to apply to join the FWCT Scheme for the use of evaporative condensers?

An evaporative condenser is a type of cooling tower under the FWCT Scheme. Applicants should apply to join the FWCT Scheme for the use of evaporative condensers.


I am going to submit Form EMSD EE CT2B and Form EMSD EE CT3. However, there is no appropriate water source for the testing and commissioning of cooling towers. What should I do?

If applicants are unable to identify an appropriate water source for the testing and commissioning of cooling towers, they should apply for temporary water supply. They may refer to Section 8.5 of the Fresh Water Cooling Towers Scheme Brochure for details.


If the supply of water to the cooling towers comes from other water sources (such as lakes) instead of from the WSD's waterworks, do I need to apply to join the FWCT Scheme?

Users are encouraged to apply to join the FWCT Scheme to ensure the design and O&M standards of the cooling towers are properly maintained.


Is the FWCT Scheme only applicable to air-conditioning systems?

The FWCT Scheme is applicable to other uses apart from air-conditioning systems, including industrial use, cold rooms, etc.


Is it appropriate to reuse the bleed-off water of cooling towers for flushing purpose?

The FWCT Scheme requires owners to provide proper water treatment and O&M services to maintain the water quality standards of the cooling water, so it is appropriate to reuse the bleed-off water of cooling towers for flushing purpose.


Are there any requirements on the energy efficiency of cooling towers?

The requirements on the energy efficiency of cooling towers are stipulated in the Building Energy Code under the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance (Cap. 610).

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