Electricity Safety
Key Message
In ensuring the safety of the public, EMSD takes a leading role in establishing safety standards, with the preparation and enforcement of legislation in all matters related to the Electricity Ordinance. In support of the Ordinance, EMSD's responsibilities cover: ensuring safe electrical installations, safe electrical products and the safe and reliable supply of electricity, as well as promoting safety practices and the safe use of electricity through public education.
Specific activities include:
- Maintaining and administering registers of registered electrical workers and contractors, monitoring their performance in line with safety standards and taking disciplinary action when necessary.
- Ensuring electrical safety through the inspection of electrical installations in buildings and of electrical product outlets, sample surveillance testing of electrical products, and investigation of electrical complaints and accidents. We conduct prosecutions for offences under the Electricity Ordinance when necessary. We also work with product suppliers in the recall of electrical products if they are found to be potentially dangerous in any way.
- Monitoring electricity supply companies to ensure the safe and reliable supply of electricity in Hong Kong. For the protection of underground electricity supply cables, we maintain and administer a list of approved competent persons for locating such cables.
- Promoting electrical safety and the statutory requirements of the Electricity Ordinance through a wide variety of publicity activities ranging from announcements on TV, radio and newspapers, poster displays, talks, seminars and carnivals, to the distribution of safety guidelines, information leaflets, newsletters, educational videos and multimedia interactive games.
- Representing Hong Kong, China in its participation in the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation's (APEC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on the conformity of assessment for electrical and electronic equipment.
- Providing support for nuclear contingency planning and technical advice on matters relating to electro-magnetic fields.