Questions on others
Questions on
Registration as an Electrical Contractor
Registration as an Electrical Worker
Registration as a Registered Generating Facility
Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification (WR2) for Fixed Electrical Installations
New Cable Colour Code (CCC)
General Matters
Questions on Registration as an Electrical Contractor |
Q.1 |
How to apply for registration as an electrical contractor? |
A.1 | Applicant should submit to EMSD the duly completed Form 1 together with the following information: -
Q.2 |
Where can I obtain Form 1? |
A.2 | Form 1 for the application of electrical contractor registration can be obtained at our Customer Services Office, or at the branch offices of the Home Affairs Department. Electronic copy of Form 1 can also be downloaded from our department´s website at (Select "Public Forms".) | |||||||||||||||
Q.3 |
How much is the application fee for electrical contractor registration? |
A.3 | The non-refundable application fee for electrical contractor registration is HK$855. | |||||||||||||||
Q.4 |
Is it necessary for the branch office of an electrical contractor be registered? How much is the application fee? |
A.4 | If the branch office is going to carry out electrical work, registration of the branch office with EMSD is also required. If the application for registration of branch office is made together with that of the main office, the applicant should complete and submit both Form 2A and Form 1, with copies of all supporting documents attached. If the application for registration of branch office is made after the registration of the main office, the applicant should complete and submit Form 2 and Form 2A, with copies of all supporting documents attached. The application fee for registration of branch office is HK$340 for each branch office. |
Q.5 |
How can a registered electrical contractor inform EMSD of his/her new business address? |
A.5 | Since the business address is printed on the registration certificate of the electrical contractor, the certificate should be replaced if the registered electrical contractor has moved to a new business address. The contractor should submit to EMSD the duly completed Form ER41 together with a copy of the updated Business Registration Certificate showing the new address, and the application fee of HK$340. The replacement certificate will be sent to the applicant by recorded delivery. |
Questions on Registration as an Electrical Worker |
Q.6 |
How to apply for registration as an electrical worker? |
A.6 | To apply for registration as an electrical worker, addition of permitted work, or change of grade of registration, an applicant should submit to EMSD the duly completed Form 8 and Form 8A, together with the following information: -
Q.7 |
How to apply for renewal of registration? |
A.7 | A registered electrical worker applying for renewal of registration should submit the duly completed Form 8 together with the application fee, a recent colour photograph with white background and a copy of HKIC. From 1 January 2012, registered electrical workers applying for registration renewal are required to complete the new Cable Colour Code trainingand before each application for renewal, a 2-module Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training. |
Q.8 |
How can I renew my REW certificate if it has expired already? |
A.8 | Pursuant to the existing Electricity (Registration) Regulations, renewal applications for REW should be submitted to EMSD at least 1 month before, and no earlier than 4 months before, the expiry date of the current registration. If the application is submitted after the expiry date of the current registration, it will be treated as a new registration application, which will be assessed in accordance with the statutory requirements at the time of receiving such application . The applicant has to submit all supporting documents with regard to academic qualifications and electrical work experience (including documents submitted in the previous application) to EMSD for vetting. If the applicant cannot fulfill the registration requirements that apply, the application will be rejected regardless of the previous registration history of the applicant. In addition, the applicant is still required to complete a 2-module Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training before application for re-registration. | |||||||||||||||
Q.9 |
Where can I obtain Form 8 and Form 8A? |
A.9 | Both Form 8 and Form 8A for the application of electrical worker registration can be obtained at our Customer Services Office, or at the branch offices of the Home Affairs Department. Electronic copy of Form 8 and Form 8A can also be downloaded from our website at (Select "Public Forms".) |
Q.10 |
How much is the application fee for electrical worker registration? |
A.10 | The non-refundable application fee for electrical worker registration is HK$475. | |||||||||||||||
Q.11 |
What information is required in the supporting documents for electrical work experience? |
A.11 | Supporting documents with regard to electrical work experience for application for registration as an electrical worker should clearly indicate the electrical work experience of the applicant. Detail requirements have been uploaded to our website at (Select "Protecting Public Safety" → "Electricity" → "How to apply" → "Registering as an Electrical Worker for Electrical Work" → "NOTES: g.".) | |||||||||||||||
Q.12 |
Is there any mutual recognition with registered electricians in other countries? |
A.12 | For registration as an electrical worker, an applicant should satisfy the requirements regarding academic qualifications and experience in electrical work of the grade stated in the Electricity (Registration) Regulations. EMSD would consider overseas experience in electrical work, but the "practical experience in electrical work" must be related to the fixed electrical installation of the grade concerned in Hong Kong. | |||||||||||||||
Q.13 |
How can a registered electrical worker inform EMSD of his/her new address? |
A.13 | A registered electrical worker should inform EMSD of his/her new address by submitting the duly completed "Notification of Changing Address by Registered Electrical Worker". The form can be obtained at our Customer Services Office, or downloaded from the EMSD website. (Select "Public Forms".) Applicants may also use the "Online Change of Address" service provided by the GovHK ( | |||||||||||||||
Q.14 |
Can someone without any academic qualifications in electrical engineering be registered as an electrical worker? |
A.14 | Pursuant to the existing Electricity (Registration) Regulations, a Registered Electrical Worker must have an academic qualification in electrical engineering (e.g. craft certificate, higher certificate, diploma, higher diploma, bachelor degree, etc.). Anyone who does not have such qualification may consider enrolling in the following trade tests / examinations for registration as an electrical worker:-
Q.15 |
Are training courses in high voltage electrical installation organized by the trade accepted for registration as Grade H electrical worker? |
A.15 | Pursuant to the existing Electrical (Registration) Regulations, a Grade H electrical worker must:
Q.16 |
How to contact the Vocational Training Council? |
A.16 | Here is the contact information of the Vocational Training Council :-
Questions on Registration as a Registered Generating Facility |
Q.17 |
Should the owner of a generating facility that is in use or on standby use register it with the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services? |
A.17 | According to section 21 (1) of the Electricity Ordinance (Cap. 406): The owner of a generating facility that is in use or on standby use shall register it with the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services unless it -
Q.18 |
Is it necessary to conduct maintenance work for and display any notice at a generating facility? |
A.18 | According to section 22 of the Electricity Ordinance (Cap. 406): An owner of a registered generating facility and an owner of a generating facility referred to in section 21(1) (e), (f) or (g) shall -
(Section 35(1): No person shall employ a person other than a registered electrical contractor to carry out electrical work.
Section 35(3): Notwithstanding subsection (1), an owner of an electrical installation may employ a registered electrical worker of the appropriate grade on a full time basis at a regular wage or salary to do electrical work on that installation.) |
Q.19 |
If I have a grid-connected renewable energy (RE) generating facility which forms part of electrical installations of approved loading that is below 100A, should I register the generating facility? |
A.19 | Pursuant to section 21(1) of the Electricity Ordinance (Cap. 406), you should register your RE generating facility with the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services. | |||||||||||||||
Q.20 |
If I have a grid-connected RE generating facility which forms part of electrical installations of approved loading exceeding 100A with existing Periodic Test Certificate (WR2), and the RE generating facility has been installed for less than 5 years, should I register the generating facility? |
A.20 | If the RE generating facility has been installed for less than 5 years but not yet been included into the existing WR2, no matter whether the RE generating facility has been installed prior to or after the effective date of the existing WR2, the owner shall include the RE generating facility into the next periodic test. | |||||||||||||||
Q.21 |
If I have a grid-connected RE generating facility which forms part of electrical installations of approved loading exceeding 100A with existing WR2, and the RE generating facility has been installed for more than 5 years, should I register the generating facility? |
A.21 | If the RE generating facility has been installed for more than 5 years but not yet been included into the existing WR2, the owner of the electrical installation shall immediately arrange periodic inspection, testing and certification for the RE generating facility. | |||||||||||||||
Q.22 |
Is it necessary to renew my generating facility registration after the first registration? |
A.22 | After the first registration, registration renewal is not required. However, according to section 17 of the Electricity (Registration) Regulations, where any of the particulars (e.g. those of the generating facility or its owner) provided change, the owner shall notify the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services within 4 weeks after the change. | |||||||||||||||
Questions on Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification (WR2) for Fixed Electrical Installations |
Q.23 |
What are the endorsement procedures of WR2 certificate? |
A.23 | After the completion of periodic test on the fixed electrical installation by the registered electrical contractor, the owner of that fixed electrical installation should submit a completed WR2 certificate together with the relevant drawings, test records and checklists to EMSD for endorsement within two weeks after the date of certification. Upon the completion of checking, EMSD would deliver the endorsed WR2 certificate to the owner of the fixed electrical installation by post. | |||||||||||||||
Q.24 |
What is the processing time for the endorsement of the WR2 certificate? |
A.24 | According to the performance pledge of EMSD, the application for endorsement of the WR2 certificate would be processed within 13 working days after receiving all the required document. However, if the submitted document is incomplete, EMSD would require the concerned owner of the fixed electrical installation or his employed registered electrical contractor to provide supplementary information. Upon receiving all the required information, EMSD will process the application as soon as possible. | |||||||||||||||
Q.25 |
Can a WR2A certificate be submitted separately? |
A.25 | The WR2A certificate cannot be submitted separately. A WR2A certificate shall be submitted as a part of the WR2 certificate for EMSD's endorsement. | |||||||||||||||
Q.26 |
How to work out the expiry date of a WR2 certificate? |
A.26 | The expiry date of a WR2 certificate is calculated from the date of the registered electrical contractor certifying completion of the periodic inspection and testing works. The WR2 certificate is valid for either 1 year or 5 years depending on the type of the installation. | |||||||||||||||
Q.27 |
Which standard should be adopted for the periodic inspection, testing and certification of pre-1985 fixed electrical installations ? |
A.27 | The aim of PITC work (WR2) is to ensure the safe operation of electrical installations. Fixed electrical installations prior to 1985, if in compliance with the technical standards at that time, and inspected and tested to satisfaction in accordance with the respective checklist in the Code of Practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations, are considered acceptable and in compliance with the statutory safety requirements. However, if the electrical installation has been modified, it must satisfy the standards and technical requirements at the time of such modification. | |||||||||||||||
Q.28 |
Should the PITC work for communal fixed electrical installations cover the generator as well? If the generator malfunctions, what should the owner do? |
A.28 | Emergency generator as part of the communal fixed electrical installation should be covered by the PITC work for the building. If the generator is found to malfunction, the owner should arrange for a Registered Electrical Contractor to carry out the necessary rectification work. Pursuant to the existing Electricity Ordinance, the owner of the generating facilities in a building shall maintain the facilities in continuous safe working order. Anyone who contravenes this requirement commits an offence, and is liable to a fine of $10,000. | |||||||||||||||
Questions on New Cable Colour Code (CCC) |
Q.29 |
What is the new CCC? Do we need to replace the cables at home? |
A.29 | The cable colours of fixed electrical installations in Hong Kong are traditionally red, yellow, blue (live), black (neutral) and yellow/green (earth). From 1 July 2007 onwards, new cable colours, i.e. brown, black, grey (live), blue (neutral) and yellow/green (earth), can be used. From 1 July 2009 onwards, all new fixed electrical installations, as well as addition and alteration to existing installations, shall adopt new colour cables. The change is only applicable to fixed electrical installations, and cables of electrical products are not affected. It is not necessary to replace the old colour cables in existing installations in response to the change. | |||||||||||||||
Q.30 |
When will the new CCC be mandatory? What are the points to note when installing new colour cables? |
A.30 | For installation works commencing on-site on or after 1 July 2009, only the new colour code should be used. For an installation having both new and old colour cables, a warning notice should be provided at a suitable location, and proper labels should be provided near the cable termination interface as appropriate. Please refer to the Code of Practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations for details. | |||||||||||||||
Q.31 |
How are the public affected by the cable colour change? Is there any additional financial implication? |
A.31 | The use of new colour cables will not entail any additional project cost. The public shall arrange registered electrical contractors to carry out electrical work as usual, who shall follow EMSD's technical guidelines in their works. The change is for fixed electrical installations and it will not affect household electrical products. It is not necessary to replace old colour cables in existing installations because of the change. Therefore, there is virtually no additional financial implication brought about by the change. | |||||||||||||||
Q.32 |
Is it a must for electrical workers to attend new CCC training? What training courses can electrical workers join? |
A.32 | To ensure the safety of electrical workers and the public, from January 2007, electrical workers are required to have a basic knowledge of the new CCC before registering for new, renewal or change of registration as registered electrical worker (REW). When an application for registration as a REW is received, EMSD will check the CCC training records of the applicant before processing his/her application. Electrical workers can receive training at the Registration and Permit Office in the EMSD Headquarters. | |||||||||||||||
Q.33 |
My REW certificate has expired and there is no requirement for me to renew it now, can I proceed on the new CCC training only at the time when I apply to register again in future? |
A.33 | Yes. But since the new colour cables (brown, black grey, blue) can already be adopted starting from 1 July 2007, it is suggested that all REWs should complete the new CCC training as soon as they can to ensure work safety. | |||||||||||||||
Questions on General Matters |
Q.34 |
How to ensure the safety of the electrical installations? |
A.34 |
Q.35 |
If the cables have not been replaced for a long period of time (say over 20 years), when should the cables be replaced in order to meet the safety requirements? |
A.35 | The operating life of cables mainly depends on the material, installation methods, loading and the conditions of the environment. In general, the condition of the cables installed inside the conduits is still good even if the said cables have been used for over 20 years. Thus, such cables can still be used. However, the public may find it difficult to determine the condition of the cables by visual inspection. As such, the public should employ Registered Electrical Contractors/Registered Electrical Workers to conduct checks on their cables and other electrical installations. The Registered Electrical Workers will use instruments to check and test the cables, including checking on the connection of cables, the correctness of the colour codes of cables, the correctness of the cable size and whether the cables can meet the voltage drop requirements. Insulation test and continuity test, etc will also be conducted. | |||||||||||||||
Q.36 |
How to check the pipes/electrical conduits concealed inside the wall? |
A.36 | For details, please refer to the "Avoid Damage to Concealed Pipes & Conduits" leaflet [PDF format (8.64MB)] on the EMSD web page. Please note that all electrical works (including new, alteration, addition, inspection, testing, maintenance and repair) should be conducted by Registered Electrical Contractors/Registered Electrical Workers. | |||||||||||||||