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Responsible Persons' Corner

Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme (QLSRS)
(Open for Applications)

Objectives of the Scheme

  1. To encourage the Responsible Persons (RPs) for lifts (including owners, owners’ corporations and property management companies) to enhance the safety level, reliability and comfortability of existing lifts through modernisation measures;
  2. To strengthen the capabilities of RPs for lifts in managing lifts to meet users' demands for lift services;
  3. To give recognition to RPs for lifts who meet the criteria set by the Scheme as encouragement.

Introduction to the Scheme

It is a voluntary scheme targeting at RPs for lifts of buildings1 (including owners, owners' corporations and property management companies). Qualified RPs for lifts will be presented with Gold / Silver / Bronze awards or certificates of Excellence / Merit according to their scores and the assessment aspects selected, in recognition of their contribution in modernisation of existing lifts and the continued provision of quality lift management services.

Names of the contractors responsible for lift maintenance will be shown on the certificates to recognise their good services. The RPs for lifts may display the original or a copy of the certificates of the Scheme in their buildings and on promotional materials. The certificate is valid for two years.


Case sharing video of commercial and residential buildings awarded with "Gold Award" of the Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme
Case sharing video of commercial and residential buildings awarded with "Gold Award" of the Quality Lift Service Recognition SchemeQLSRS "Gold Award" of Commercial Building - Lee Garden 3QLSRS "Gold Award" of Residential Building - Star Ruby

(Cantonese dialogue or V/O with Traditional Chinese supper, subtitle)
[MP4 format (153MB)]
... Download Script (Traditional Chinese version) [PDF format (209KB)]

Note 1: Including residential buildings, industrial and commercial buildings, shopping malls, hotels, public facilities and buildings.

Scope of the Scheme

The Scheme is targeted at RPs for lifts of buildings1, and participation is on a housing estate or building basis. The assessment covers all the lifts which are installed in a participating estate or building and regulated by the Lifts and Escalators Ordinance (including passenger lifts, goods lifts, but excluding hydraulic lifts, service lifts (i.e. dumb waiters), vertical platform lifts, escalators and mechanised vehicle parking systems).

Note 1: Including residential buildings, industrial and commercial buildings, shopping malls, hotels, public facilities and buildings.

Flow Chart for the Scheme

Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme - Flow Chart
1. The applicant engages an independent professional assessor (IPA) / existing registered contractor (RC) to conduct assessments
2. The IPA / existing RC extracts lift data & operation records and conducts site visits
			A. Level of Lift Modernisation
			B. Record of Lift Operation
			C. Performance of Registered Persons in Managing Lift Services
3. Assessment reports to be provided to the applicant from the IPA / existing RC
4. The applicant submits an application to the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
5. The EMSD reviews the submission and conducts random on-site checking
		Gold / Silver / Bronze Award is presented
				Certificate of Excellence or Merit is presented

Assessment Criteria

  1. Level of lift modernisation (50 points)

    Level of lift modernisationPoints scored
    (i)Installed double brake system 8 Points
    (ii)Installed unintended car movement protection device 8 Points
    (iii)Installed ascending car overspeed protection device 8 Points
    (iv)Installed car door mechanical lock and safety edge 8 Points
    (v)Installed intercom and CCTV system 6 Points
    (vi)Installed obstruction switch to protect suspension ropes 6 Points
    (vii)Installed automatic rescue device or post-voltage-dip-operation means or automatic rescue device with equivalent functions 6 Points
  2. Record of lift operation (50 points)

    1. Duration of service suspension2 due to failure (25 points)
      Duration of service suspension due to failurePoints scored
      0 – 20 hours 25 Points
      21 – 40 hours 18 Points
      41 – 60 hours 13 Points
      61 – 80 hours 8 Points
      More than 80 hours 0 Point
    2. Average arrival time for failure related to passenger entrapment (15 points)
      Average arrival time for failure related to passenger entrapmentPoints scored
      0 – 30 minutes 15 Points
      31 – 40 minutes 10 Points
      41 – 50 minutes 7 Points
      51 – 60 minutes 4 Points
      More than 60 minutes 0 Point
    3. Average arrival time for failure unrelated to passenger entrapment (10 points)
      Average arrival time for failure unrelated to passenger entrapmentPoints scored
      0 – 1 hour 10 Points
      1 – 1.5 hours 7 Points
      1.5 – 2 hours 5 Points
      2 – 3 hours 3 Points
      More than 3 hours 0 Point
    Note 2: The duration of lift service suspension due to failure includes any duration of lift service suspension due to equipment failure and emergency maintenance (excluding the duration of service suspension due to routine maintenance, annual examination, scheduled maintenance and major alteration).
  3. Performance of RPs in managing lift services (past 24 months) (50 points)

    1. Documents relating to management that prove the RP has ensured compliance of lift maintenance and examination with legal requirements (e.g. relevant management records, schedules of periodic maintenance, annual examination and examination with load, guidelines or manuals)
    2. Supporting documents in relation to inspection of the condition of the lift (e.g. a photocopy of the inspection log book or related records over the past six months, including the inspection record of at least 30 consecutive days)
    3. Supporting documents (e.g. relevant management records, guidelines or manuals) in relation to proper management of and arrangements for contractors’ maintenance and repair work, including:
      1. arranging sufficient time for maintenance;
      2. early notification to users about duration of lift service suspension;
      3. verification of the identity of engineering workers;
      4. provision of storage space;
      5. making arrangements for emergency repair;
      6. handling contractors’ comments and quotations;
      7. reviewing whether contractors have sufficient spare parts for repair
    4. Supporting documents (e.g. the log book for the past 24 months) in relation to verification of the records in the log book
    5. Supporting documents in relation to regular meetings with contractors (e.g. minutes of meetings with contractors no less than once every six months over the past year)
    6. Supporting documents in relation to the appointment of a professional lift consultant, a registered lift engineer or an in-house engineer employed by the property management company to examine the work of lift contractors (e.g. supporting documents on engaging professional lift consultants or registered lift engineers or information on hiring in-house engineers by the property management company in the past, and relevant examination reports or documents)
    7. Photos of the lift machine room, shaft and pit taken within the past three months (two photos of the lift machine room, shaft and pit respectively bearing the date of shooting, together with lift number, machine room number and location)
    8. Supporting documents in relation to assisting trapped lift passengers (e.g. a photocopy of procedures, guidelines or manuals, and related service indicators and performance pledge for assisting trapped lift passengers; and related records of staff training and drills)
    9. Supporting documents in relation to handling of users’ complaints (e.g. a photocopy of procedures, guidelines or manuals for handling users’ complaints; and records of staff training and drills on handling users’ complaints)
    10. Reports on assessment of the comfort of lift passengers and quality of physical environment of lift cars (including ventilation system, cleanliness, lighting, etc.) conducted by independent professional assessors

Ratings Criteria

Under the Scheme, participants will be assessed according to their performance in managing lift services. Ratings will be made according to the following criteria and Gold, Silver and Bronze awards will be presented, with the Gold award as the highest level of performance.

Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme - Ratings

For those participating in assessment aspects A, B and C
Total points (highest: 150)Rating
136 – 150
(Attained at least 40 points in each of the three aspects A, B & C)
Gold award
121 – 135
(Attained at least 40 points in each of the three aspects A, B & C)
Silver award
101 – 120
(Attained at least 35 points in aspect A & B, and at least 30 points in aspect C)
Bronze award
For those participating in assessment aspects A and B only
Total points (highest: 100)Rating
75 – 100
(Attained at least 35 points in aspect A & B)
50 – 74
(Attained at least 25 points in aspect A & B)

Vetting Arrangements

All applications will be vetted by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), its consultants, or independent professional assessor as engaged by the EMSD. Site visits may be conducted.

How to Participate

  1. Submit the participation form (Form AF) [PDF format (107KB)].
  2. Participants should provide the following information for vetting when submitting the participation form:
    1. Checklist for Lift Modernisation
      (to be signed and confirmed by the representative of a registered lift contractor / an independent professional assessor)
    2. Lift Operation Record Form
      (to be signed and confirmed by the representative of a registered lift contractor / an independent professional assessor)
    3. Checklist for Performance of Responsible Persons in Managing Lift Services (over the past 24 months)
      (to be signed and confirmed by an independent professional assessor)

Terms and Conditions

  1. Participants should register the lifts installed in the estate or building under their management so as to participate in the Scheme and must not give false information. Any participants found violating the terms and conditions will be disqualified.
  2. The EMSD reserves the right to make corresponding arrangements and changes in light of the response to the Scheme.
  3. The EMSD reserves the right to refuse or terminate participation of those not complying with the eligibility criteria or violating the terms and conditions.
  4. The EMSD reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of the Scheme without giving prior notice.

Independent Professional Assessors (IPA)

List of Independent Professional Assessors

Requirements for Independent Professional Assessors

The requirements for an IPA are as follows:
  • The IPA must be a:
    • registered lift engineer or
    • registered surveyor or
    • registered professional housing manager or
    • registered professional engineer, in the discipline of -
      • building services engineering,
      • control, automation and instrumentation engineering,
      • electrical engineering,
      • electronic engineering,
      • marine and naval architecture engineering or
      • mechanical engineering;
  • The IPA should not be under the employment of the contractor or property management company that maintains and manages the lifts of a participating building within the past two years.
  • The IPA should be engaging in lift management or engineering, and has no less than two years of relevant working experience;
  • The IPA should have completed a training session of the Scheme and passed the post-training test.

The list of qualified IPAs has been uploaded to the EMSD website for reference of RPs.

Interested parties who have the above qualifications may reach out to our staff e-mail ( to enroll for an IPA training course.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Answer:

    The Scheme is targeted at RPs for lifts of buildings (including owners, owners' corporations and property management companies), and participation is on the basis of at least one building. The assessment covers all the lifts which are installed in a participating building and regulated by the Lifts and Escalators Ordinance (including passenger lifts, goods lifts, but excluding hydraulic lifts, dumb waiters, vertical platform lifts, escalators and mechanised vehicle parking systems). For housing estates with multiple buildings, the RP can participate on the basis of the whole estate or individual building(s) of the estate.

  2. Answer:

    The assessment of the Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme covers the following aspects:

    1. Level of lift modernisation (must be assessed by a registered lift contractor or an independent professional assessor)
    2. Record of lift operation (must be assessed by a registered lift contractor or an independent professional assessor)
    3. Performance of RPs in managing lift services (must be assessed by an independent professional assessor)

    The applicants will be presented with Gold / Silver / Bronze awards according to the assessment aspects selected and their scores.

    In order to attract more RPs for lifts to participate in the Scheme, applications for participation in only the assessment of "Part A - Level of lift modernisation" and "Part B - Record of lift operation" are also accepted. However, such applications will only be presented with certificates of Excellence / Merit.

  3. Answer:

    The EMSD will not charge any fee for the Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme. However, RPs for lifts should bear the cost for arranging or engaging a registered lift contractor or an independent professional assessor to conduct the assessments.

  4. Answer:

    Regarding the assessment aspects of the Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme, the EMSD holds the view that independent professional assessors must have sufficient knowledge about and experience in the lift trade, and understand the requirements specified under the relevant codes of practice and regulations. Our review has shown that registered professional engineers, registered professional housing managers and registered surveyors are also qualified to serve as independent professional assessors.

    The requirements for an independent professional assessor are as follows:
    • The independent professional assessor (IPA) must be a:
      • registered lift engineer or
      • registered surveyor or
      • registered professional housing manager or
      • registered professional engineer, in the discipline of -
        • building services engineering,
        • control, automation and instrumentation engineering,
        • electrical engineering,
        • electronic engineering,
        • marine and naval architecture engineering or
        • mechanical engineering;
    • The IPA should not be under the employment of the contractor or property management company that maintains and manages the lifts of a participating building within the past two years.
    • The IPA should be engaging in lift management or engineering, and has no less than two years of relevant working experience;
    • The IPA should have completed a training session of the Scheme and passed the post-training test.

    The list of independent professional assessors who have been trained and passed the test has been uploaded to the EMSD website for reference.

    Interested parties who have the above qualifications may reach out to the Secretariat e-mail ( to enroll for an IPA training course.
  5. Answer:

    The EMSD has organised relevant training courses for qualified professionals so that they can provide assessment services for the Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme. The EMSD will review the response and demand of the market from time to time and organise more training courses to train more independent professional assessors (please see the list of trained independent professional assessors).

  6. Answer:

    All applications for the Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme will be vetted by the EMSD or a consultant engaged by the EMSD, in which random site visits will be conducted. The EMSD holds the final decision on the scores and ratings given.

  7. Answer:

    Yes, the Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme accepts applications made on the basis of estates, individual buildings or designated building groups. The RPs for lifts may submit more than one application to cover different buildings in the same estate. The certificates presented will clearly state the buildings covered and should only be displayed in the buildings concerned.

  8. Answer:

    Registered lift contractors or independent professional assessors should make separate assessments of all the lifts of the building and will adopt the average score of all the lifts as the overall score of the relevant assessment item.

  9. Answer:

    If an application is not given a rating, we expect the applicant to make some improvements to lift management and submit another application after six months.

  10. Answer:

    As the certificate of the Quality Lift Service Recognition Scheme will list the property management company, registered contractor and assessment period, in view of public concern, the RP should consider not displaying the certificate in public places and make a new application if there is a change in the composition. Performance records for at least six months should also be accumulated for the new composition before a new application can be made for the Scheme.

For any further enquiries, please call 1823 or e-mail to

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