Performance Pledges & Pledge Performance
EMSD Performance Pledge
Gas Safety (Gas Safety Ordinance)
Type of ServiceTarget Response Time
(Working Days)1. Registration of installers 12 2. Registration of contractors 38 3. Approval for construction of notifiable gas installations 30 4. Approval for use of notifiable gas installations 12 5. Approval for use of equipment/materials 26 6. Scheduling and inspection of LPG road tankers and cylinder wagons 18 7. Enlistment of competent persons for LPG installations/gasholders 25 8. Registration of Gas Supply Company 40 -
LPG Vehicle Safety
Type of ServiceTarget Response Time
(Working Days)1. Enlistment of competent persons for maintenance of fuel systems 25 2. Approval for use of LPG fuel tanks in vehicles 26 3. Approval for construction of filling stations 30 4. Approval for use of filling stations 12 -
Electricity Safety (Electricity Ordinance)
Type of ServiceTarget Response Time
(Working Days)1. Registration of electrical workers/ contractors/ competent persons 13 2. Registration of generating facilities 40 3. Registration of recognised certification bodies and manufacturers 17 4. Endorsement of testing certificates of electrical installations 13 -
Lift and Escalator Safety (Lifts and Escalators Ordinance)
Type of ServiceTarget Response Time
(Working Days)1. Registration of lift/escalator contractors 40 2. Registration of lift/escalator engineers 40 3. Registration of lift/escalator workers 40 4. Issue of use permits permitting the lifts/escalators to be put into use and operation 13 5. Issue of use permits permitting the lifts/escalators to continue to be used and operated 13 -
Amusement Ride Safety (Amusement Rides (Safety) Ordinance)
Type of ServiceTarget Response Time
(Working Days)1. Approval of design and construction of amusement rides
(capacity of less than or equal to 20 persons) (a)34 2. Approval of design and construction of amusement rides (capacity of 21 or more persons) (b) 48 3. Issue of permits to use for amusement rides 13 (a) for example, mini trains.
(b) for example, roller coasters. -
Builder's Lift and Tower Working Platform Safety
(Builders’ Lifts and Tower Working Platforms (Safety) Ordinance)
Type of ServiceTarget Response Time
(Working Days)1. Approval of design and construction of builders’ lifts and tower working platforms 34 2. Endorsement of periodic test certificates for builders’ lifts and tower working platforms 12 3. Issue of permits to use for builders’ lifts and tower working platforms 12 -
Energy Efficiency
Type of ServiceTarget Response Time
(Working Days)1. Registration of Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme 17 2. Registration of The Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings 17 3. Approval of Applications under the voluntary water-cooled air-conditioning system scheme 17 4. Processing of product submissions under Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme 17 5. Registration of Registered Energy Assessors under the Mandatory Building Energy Code (BEC) Scheme 40 -
Reports and Complaints
Type of ServiceTarget Response Time
(Working Days)1. Complaint and Report of Malpractice or Illegal Installations 10 Note 1 Note 1
For complicated case or cases involving other parties, an interim response will be provided within 10 working days to be followed by substantive reply as soon as possible. -
Lifts/Escalators at Footbridges, Subways, Markets and Clinics,
Lighting and Ventilation Equipment at Public Transport Interchanges,
Footbridge and Subway Lighting, Traffic SignalsType of Electrical and Mechanical Maintenance Service Target Response Time 1.
Report of major malfunctions Note 2
a) Lifts at footbridges, subways, DH Note 3 clinics and FEHD Note 4 public markets 30 minutes b) Escalators at footbridges, subways and FEHD public markets 30 minutes c) Lighting and ventilation equipment at public transport interchanges 1 hour d) Lighting equipment at footbridges and subways 2 hours e) Traffic signals 2.5 hours 2.
Report of other defects Note 5
a) Lifts at footbridges, subways, DH clinics and FEHD public markets 1 hour b) Escalators at footbridges, subways and FEHD public markets 1 hour c) Lighting and ventilation equipment at public transport interchanges 1 working day d) Lighting equipment at footbridges and subways 1 working day e) Traffic signals 1 working day f) Drinking fountains at leisure venues 3 hours Note 2
Major malfunctions - Defects which may cause imminent danger/risk of life to the public. For example, passengers may be trapped in a malfunctioned lift, etc.
Note 3
DH = Department of Health
Note 4
FEHD = Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Note 5
Other defects - Defects which may cause nuisance/inconvenience (but not danger) to the public. For example, the malfunctioning of a lift without trapped passengers.