Education & Schools
Scope of Services
Helping to build Hong Kong's future for the children of Hong Kong, China, General Engineering Services Division provide a number of project management and consultancy services for schools and the Education Bureau.
In addition to the maintenance service of electrical, mechanical and building services systems of schools and educational institutions, we completed the "IT in Education" and "Multimedia Learning Centres" projects in collaboration with the Education Bureau for enhancement of new technology in learning. Besides, in order to provide a good quality teaching and learning environment, we completed the Noise Abatement Programme for various schools.
Following the Policy Address 2009, the Environment and Ecology Bureau and Education Bureau jointly invited all schools to sign a "green lunch" charter to encourage schools to stop using disposable containers and adopt the central portioning approach where possible. The Environment and Conservation Fund provides a subsidy for schools to install the necessary equipment, whereas EMSTF is entrusted as a works agent to provide professional support to school for the provision of either 'Full Project Management Services' or 'Advisory Services' services for this green lunch improvement project. At present, most of the schools have selected our 'Full project Management Services'.
The central meal portioning facilities cover basic features of catering equipment for food reheating, rice steaming, vegetable cooking and utensil washing. Apart from the catering equipment, the scope of works also includes renovation works, electrical and ventilation installation and plumbing and drainage installation. Up to end-2023, the central meal portioning facilities have been completed for 132 schools since the commencement of the Scheme in 2009.