For registration as a gas installer
How to apply - Registering as a gas installer
Purpose of Registration
The purpose of the registration scheme is to ensure that only competent operatives, who have completed approved training, and gained necessary work experience undertake gas installation work, for enhancing the safety of gas and members of the public.
Who Should Register
Any person who carries out gas installation work, for example, a manual operative and a first-line, direct supervisor, should be registered with the Government.
Classes of Registration
There are eight classes of registration (see Appendix I). They include work associated directly with gas service pipes, all downstream pipework and appliance installations as defined in the Gas Safety (Registration of Gas Installers and Gas Contractors) Regulations, Cap 51.
An applicant may apply for any number of classes. To be awarded a class of registration, the applicant must possess the appropriate levels of formal training and work experience as detailed in Appendix II.
How to Apply
1. Apply online:
Registration can be applied online through "EMSD (Regulatory Services) Web Based Registration Services" using "iAM Smart +". Please read "iAM Smart +" Online Registration Tutorial prior to using the services.
2. Apply in person:
- Download Form 1 - New Application for Registration as a Gas Installer/Application for Change of Class of Registration for Registered Gas Installer [PDF format (1,456KB)] or Application for Replacement of Lost/Destroyed Registered Gas Installer Card [PDF format (179KB)];
- Complete the application form carefully according to the instruction sheets attached to the form;
- Submit in person or through a representative the completed application form together with an application fee of $395 for each new application or $150 for each replacement application (may be subject to periodic revision) to the EMSD Registration and Permit Office.
Application fees are not refundable. Therefore, an applicant should not submit more than one application form at any one time.
A Registered Gas Installer Card will be issued to the successful applicant. The digital version of the registration card can be displayed using the E&M Trade app (Demonstration). This card with remain valid until the holder surrenders it to EMSD for reasons such as application for additional classes, retirement, etc. as stated in the Gas Safety (Registration of Gas Installers and Gas Contractors) Regulations, Cap. 51.
For changing classes of registration, the same form (Form 1) and procedures should be followed.
Administration of Official Declarations/Oaths
EMSD is responsible for the administration of official declarations/oaths for the application for Registered Gas Installer. For enquiries, please contact Gas Standards Office at 2808 3683 or direct to Gas Standards Office, EMSD, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Enquiries can be directed to the Gas Standards Office, EMSD, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Tel. 1823 Citizen's Easy Link).
This is not a legal document and is prepared for general information only. Copies of the Gas Safety Ordinance, Cap. 51 and the Gas Safety (Registration of Gas Installers and Gas Contractors) Regulations, Cap. 51 can be purchased by following method, please click here.