The MTR Island Line was extended for 3km to the Kennedy Town by end-2014, with three new stations, namely Sai Ying Pun (SYP), HKU and Kennedy Town (KET) Stations. To ensure the operational safety of this extension, the RB assessed the design submitted by MTRCL and carried out a large number of on-site inspections and testing on various safety-related railway systems (e.g. signaling and communication systems, trackwork, overhead line system, stations) during various stages of the project.
By mid-2014, it became clear that delays in both civil and electrical and mechanical (E&M) engineering works at SYP Station would prevent this station from being commissioned in 2014 as planned. The MTRCL drew up a backup plan under which westbound trains on Island Line would run from the existing Sheung Wan Station straight to HKU Station for termination at KET Station before opening of SYP Station. Against this background, the RB prioritised its resources to facilitate the opening of the West Island Line to serve the Western District at the earliest possible.
In order not to affect the normal operation of the Island Line, inspections and testing of certain systems (e.g. power distribution system, signalling system and trains) were carried out during non-traffic hours at mid-night and beyond. The RB coordinated efficiently with other relevant government departments and confirmed the “safe and sound” condition of the new systems in early December 2014, allowing sufficient time for the MTRCL to prepare for publicity and service. With the concerted effort of all concerned, HKU Station and KET Station were opened in late December 2014 as scheduled, with SYP Station opening in March 2015, marking an exciting new page for the local community and passengers travelling to the Western District.