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Related to Electrical Installations

Frequently Asked Questions

By the Trade

Related to registration as an electrical contractor / electrical worker

By the Public

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions related to Electrical Installations

For the Trade

Related to registration as an electrical contractor / electrical worker

A1 Applicant should submit to EMSD the duly completed Form 1 together with the following information: -
  • Copy of valid Business Registration Certificate of the company;
  • Employment letter of the registered electrical worker employed by the company, if the registered electrical worker quoted in the application is not the owner, or the Authorized Person of the company;
  • The application fee for the registration. (For submission of application fee by cheque, the cheque should be made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region".)
Applications can be submitted to EMSD in person, or by post. If the application is submitted by post, copy of the applicant's HKIC should also be submitted.
A2 The Form 1 for the application of electrical contractor registration can be obtained at our Customer Services Office, or at the branch offices of Home Affairs Department.
Electronic copy of Form 1 can also be downloaded from our department's website at Home Page. (Select "Public Forms")
Application can also be made through our Web Based Registration System in EMSD website should the applicant possess a personal e-Cert from Hong Kong Post. (Select "Electronic Submissions")
A3 The non-refundable application fee for electrical contractor registration is HK$855.
A4 If the branch office is going to carry out electrical work, registration of the branch office with EMSD is also required.
If the registration of branch office is applied together with the main office, applicant should complete and submit Form 2A together with Form 1 and copy of all supporting documents.
If the registration of branch office is applied after the registration of the main office, applicant should complete and submit Form 2 and Form 2A and copy of all supporting documents.
The application fee for registration of branch office is HK$340 for each branch office.
A5 Since the business address is printed on the electrical contractor registration certificate, the certificate should be replaced for a registered electrical contractor moved to a new business address.
The contractor should submit to EMSD the duly completed Form ER41 together with copy of the Business Registration Certificate with the new address, and the application fee of HK$340. The replaced electrical contractor registration certificate will be sent to the applicant by recorded delivery.
A6 To apply for registration as an electrical worker, additional permitted work, or changing grade of registration, applicant should submit to EMSD the duly completed Form 8 and Form 8A, together with the following information: -
  • Original and copy of supporting documents on substantiating the academic qualification and experience in electrical work. The original of the document will be returned to the applicant immediately after verification.
  • Record of Training for Cable Colour Code.
  • A recent passport size colour photograph with white background.
  • A copy of HKIC.
  • The application fee for the registration. (For submission of application fee by cheque, the cheque should be made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region".)
Applications can be submitted to EMSD in person, or by post.
A7 A registered electrical worker applying for the renewal of registration should submit the duly completed Form 8 together with the application fee, a recent colour photograph with white background, and a copy of HKIC.
From 1 January 2012, registered electrical worker applying for registration renewal is required to complete the new cable colour code training, and before each application for renewal, a 2-module Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training.
A8 The Form 8 and Form 8A for the application of electrical worker registration can be obtained at our Customer Services Office, or at the branch offices of Home Affairs Department.
Electronic copy of Form 8 and Form 8A can also be downloaded from our department's website at Home Page. (Select "Public Forms")
Application can also be made through our Web Based Registration System in EMSD website should the applicant possess a personal e-Cert from Hong Kong Post. (Select "Electronic Submissions")
A9 The non-refundable application fee for electrical worker registration is HK$475.
A10 For registration as an electrical worker, applicant should satisfy the requirements in both academic qualification and experience in electrical work of the grade stated in the Electricity (Registration) Regulations. EMSD would consider overseas experience in electrical work, but the "practical experience in electrical work" must be related to the fixed electrical installation in Hong Kong.
A11 A registered electrical worker should inform EMSD of his/her new address by submitted the duly completed "Notification of Changing Address by Registered Electrical Worker". The form can be obtained in our Customer Services Office, or downloaded from EMSD website. (Select "Public Forms")
No charge is required for registered electrical work to change address.
A12 The contacts of Vocational Training Council
  • Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Haking Wong)
    • Address : 702, Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
    • Telephone : 27086467
  • Electrical Industry Training Centre (Pokfulam Training Centre)
    • Address : 4/F, Pokfulam Training Centre Complex, 145 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
    • Telephone : 25518121
  • Electrical Industry Training Centre (Kwai Chung Training Centre)
    • Address : Level 4 Kwai Chung Training Centre Complex, 13-19 San Kwai Street Kwai Chung, N.T.
    • Telephone : 24204253
  • Center of Trade Test for Technician
    • Address : 16/F, Vocational Training Council Tower , 27 Wood Road Wan Chai, Hong Kong
    • Telephone : 29191599

For the Public

A1 After the completion of periodic test on the fixed electrical installation by the registered electrical contractor, the owner of that fixed electrical installation should submit a completed WR2 certificate together with the relevant drawings, test records and checklists to EMSD for endorsement within two weeks after the date of certification. Upon the completion of checking, EMSD would deliver the endorsed WR2 certificate to the owner of the fixed electrical installation by post.
A2 According to the performance pledge of EMSD, the application for endorsement of the WR2 certificate would be processed within 13 working days after receiving all the required document. However, if the submitted document is incomplete, EMSD would require the concerned owner of the fixed electrical installation or his employed registered electrical contractor to provide supplementary information. Upon receiving all the required information, EMSD will process the application as soon as possible.
A3 The WR2A certificate cannot be submitted separately. A WR2A certificate shall be submitted as a part of the WR2 certificate for EMSD's endorsement.
A4 The expiry date of a WR2 certificate is calculated from the date of the registered electrical contractor certifying completion of the periodic inspection and testing works. The WR2 certificate is valid for either 1 year or 5 years depending on the type of the installation.
  1. All electrical works (including new, alteration, addition, inspection, testing, maintenance and repair) should be conducted by the Registered Electrical Contractors/Registered Electrical Workers. The list of Registered Electrical Contractors and the list of Registered Electrical Workers can be referred to the EMSD's web page.
  2. After the completion of electrical works (including new, alternation, addition, maintenance and repair), the electrical installations should be inspected, tested and certified by the Registered Electrical Worker to confirm that the requirements of the Ordinance have been met.
  3. Regular maintenance on all electrical installations should be conducted. In order to prevent the electrical accident from happening and to maintain the reliability of the electricity supply, the owner should arrange Registered Electrical Contractors/Registered Electrical Workers to perform periodic inspection and testing on their electrical installations.
  4. If it is suspected that the electrical installations could likely cause any danger (e.g. current leakage or protective devices are frequently tripped), the owner should arrange the Registered Electrical Contractors/Registered Electrical Workers to conduct inspection and repairing works immediately.
A6 The operating life of cables is mainly depended on the material, installation methods, loading and the conditions of the environment. In general, the conditions of the cables installed inside the conduits are still good even if the said cables have been used for over 20 years. Thus, such cables can still be used. However, the public may found difficulties in identify the conditions of the cables by visual inspections. As such, the public should employ Registered Electrical Contractors/Registered Electrical Workers to conduct checking on their cables and other electrical installations. The Registered Electrical Workers would use the instruments to check and test the cables, including the checking on the connection of cables, checking on the correctness of the colour codes of cables, checking the correctness of the cable size and whether the cables can meet the voltage drop requirements, conduction of insulation test, conduction of continuity test, etc.
A7 The details can be referred to the "Avoid Damage to Concealed Pipes & Conduits" leaflet which can be found in EMSD's webpage. Please note that all electrical works (including new, alteration, addition, inspection, testing, maintenance and repair) should be conducted by the Registered Electrical Contractors/Registered Electrical Workers.

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