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The Secretary for the Environment Mr. WONG Kam Sing (1st row, left 4th), Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Mr. Eric PANG (1st row, left 3rd), the President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Prof YUEN P L (1st row, right 4th), Commissioner for Sports Mr. YEUNG Tak-keung (1st row, right 3rd) among other Guests of Honours attended the Works Commencement Ceremony for Additional District Cooling System at Kai Tak Development on 19 April 2021
The Secretary for the Environment Mr. WONG Kam Sing (left 8th), Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Mr. Eric PANG (left 6th), the President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Prof YUEN P L (right 9th), Student Representative, Ms. CHIU Ching Yan, of S.K.H. Holy Cross Primary School (left 7th) and other Guests of Honours attended the Chilled Water Pipework Ring Circuit Completion Ceremony of DCS at KTD on 19 April 2021
The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) and the Energy Market Authority (EMA) of Singapore held a bilateral energy workshop today (May 11). Photo shows the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr Pang Yiu-hung and the Chief Executive of EMA, Mr Ngiam Shih Chun deliver the opening remarks.
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