About Engineering Services
We offer customer-centric and one-stop engineering services through the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF) to over 100 government departments and public organisations. Established in August 1996 as part of the public sector reform programme within the Hong Kong Government, the Trading Fund has helped us to continuously enhance the cost effectiveness, quality and reliability of our services.
To be the most preferred E&M engineering service provider in Hong Kong, comprehensive services are provided through our six business units specialising in:
- Boundary crossing facilities and transport services
- Government buildings, depots and installations
- Healthcare institutes and equipment
- Municipal venues and facilities
- Project consultancy and management
- Security facilities and vehicle services
- Digitalisation and Innovation & Technology
With the most comprehensive range of consultancy, project management, maintenance and operation services in electrical and mechanical engineering, air-conditioning, building service systems, electronics and vehicle engineering in Hong Kong, our activities touch every aspect of daily life in the HKSAR. Our customers come from every service spectrum - the Airport Authority, the Hospital Authority, the security forces, the postal services, schools, leisure & cultural venues, the transport & marine authorities...among many, many others.
Our one-stop shop approach, supported by round the clock 24-hour emergency services, focus on cost-effective services and customer satisfaction at every level. Our Service Level Agreements enable us to tailor facilities specifically to customer requirements while a Client Management System ensures total accountability and ownership for client needs. With our impartiality and commitment as civil servants - we are free of any brand bias and have a mission to create public values. Together with our understanding of government procedures and standards, and thorough knowledge of the venues, facilities and businesses of our customers, we are able to recommend and implement the ideal engineering solutions for customers.
Corporate initiatives, such as training, productivity enhancement programmes, Total Quality Management, marketing and customer services, communications and Management Information Systems provide the crucial back up and economies of scale necessary to establish and provide quality and cost effective services. Additionally, we are able to lead the way with new and developing technologies, offering pioneering and value-added services such as indoor air quality and energy efficiency, enabling customer improvements in this direction with one easy service package. We also act as advisors to customers and provide support at meetings with LegCo, the District Boards and other public events.
Pursuing our objectives of quality and cost-effective services, we have received numerous awards recognising our efforts to ensure the quality and efficiency or our services. We are the first government organisation in Hong Kong to receive internationally recognised ISO 9001 corporate certification for our quality processes, and are also the first government department to win the service productivity award in the Hong Kong Productivity Centre's prestigious Hong Kong Service Awards. Taking the quality process a step further, we have also focused on continuous productivity improvement in the past few years. Reinforcing our leadership role, we are also the first organisation in Hong Kong to receive ISO 14001 corporate certification for our forward-looking environment policies and environment management programme. In 2002, We also obtained the corporate certification of the Integrated Management System which combined ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 management systems into a single system to streamline the operation. With our full commitment to implement Total Quality Management, we are the first government department to win the Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) Quality Award Gold Award in 2006.