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Guideline for Implementing MVPS

Smart Car Parking System

Mechanized Vehicle Parking System (MVPS) is a mechanical plant that has a power operated mechanism for conveying a vehicle to a parking space within the plant. MVPSs are also known as automated parking systems, intelligent or smart parking systems.

MVPSs are regarded as “lift” subject to the regulatory control of the Lifts and Escalators Ordinance (the LEO), Cap. 618. Except those which have been excluded from the control of the LEO*, only MVPSs of a type which has been approved by the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services are allowed to be installed in the territory. Nevertheless, only qualified personnel are allowed to install, repair and maintain, alter or demolish MVPSs.

The guideline below describes the considerations for implementation and regulatory measures regarding the design, installation, operation and maintenance of MVPSs:

* The LEO does not apply to a lift which is used solely for the raising of motor vehicles provided that the height of travel of the lift does not exceed 3.5 meters nor pass through any floor. Guideline to the safety of such lifts can be viewed from:

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