Related Information for Competent Persons
Class 1 Competent Persons (CP)
- List of Class 1a & 1b Competent Persons [PDF format (121KB)]
- Class 1a: Testing & Certification of LPG Tanks, Vaporisers & Mains
- Class 1b: Testing & Certification of LPG Cylinders
- Notification Form on Testing and Certification by Class 1 CP (Revision 09/2019) [PDF format (270KB)]
- Testing and Examination of LPG Tank (Form 106) (Revision 05/2023) [DOCX format (18KB)]
- Testing and Examination of LPG Vaporiser (Form 107) (Revision 05/2023) [DOCX format (20KB)]
- Testing and Examination of LPG Pipes (Form 108) (Revision 05/2023) [DOCX format (22KB)]
- Sample of Maintenance Record of Underground LPG Pipework (Revision 05/2024) [DOCX format (31KB)]
- Sample of Underground LPG Pipework Revalidation Test Report (Revision 05/2024) [DOCX format (31KB)]
Class 2 Competent Persons (CP)
- List of Class 2 Competent Persons [PDF format (114KB)]
- Inspection and Certification of LPG Compounds, Cylinder Stores and Filling Stations
- Guidelines to Class 2 CP for LPG NGI Inspection [PDF format (44KB)]
- Annual Inspection Report of LPG Storage Installation (Form 109) (Revision 05/2023) [DOCX format (114KB)]
- Annual Inspection Report of LPG Filling Station (Form 109A) (Revision 10/2020) [DOCX format (26KB)]
Class 3 Competent Persons (CP)
- List of Class 3 Competent Persons [PDF format (105KB)]
- Class 3a: Carry out monthly/quarterly/annual examination of gasholders
- Class 3b: Certify the monthly/quarterly/annual examination of gasholders
- Class 3c: Carry out internal examinaion of gasholderst
- Performance Monitoring System for Class 3b & Class 3c Competent Person [PDF format (144KB)]
Change / Update of Personal Information
Change / Update of Personal Information of Competent Person [PDF format (205KB)]